La Luz Workshops became a weekly postcard from the photographic “other side” during the pandemic. Every conversation was specifically unique to each presenter with an organic flow characterized by the artists and their work. Sasha managed to consistently shine a sophisti- cated light on queries that lead to rich realizations for both the artists and the participants. I found myself looking forward to each week in a way that enriched my engagement with the medium while inspiring my own process. Selma is an absolute gem. I highly recommend La Luz programming to anyone interested in growing and expanding as an image maker.
Sonya N., Talking Photography: Conversations with Artists, Fall 2021
The opportunity to hear from, learn from, & directly ask questions from some of the world's best photographers is truly special.
Joshua McMillan, Talking Photography:
Conversations with
Artists, Fall 2021
Talking Photography series gave me the inspiration I needed to continue and improve my photography projects so I can reach my next exhibit.
Former student, Talking Photography:
Conversations with Artists,
Fall 2021
This workshop was simply extraordinary. Eight brilliant conversations, each one unique and particular and special. I learned so much, and I came away feeling -- no, KNOWING -- that the path is my own to forge. That the work must be honest and authentic. Brilliant moderation by Sasha Wolf. The final evening's conversation with Jess T. Dugan was a revelation. The perfect conclusion to this experience. So beautiful and so clear. I cannot wait to sign up for the next season!
Amy S., Talking Photography: Conversations with Artists, Fall 2021
La Luz never dissapoints. Always opening our eyes to new creative voices and bringing us deeper into the work through great interviewing, in-depth presentations and a chance to actually communicate directly with the artists. Bravo
LB, Talking Photography: Conversations with Artists, Fall 2021

Bryan Kipp Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Lara Chahine, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021
Beyond teaching me skills of framing , composition , and lighting, this workshop offered a full spectrum of what it means to take an intimate portrait. It taught me that it's not only about creating a beautiful image, but about the nuances, the details, the context of the portrait and the collaborative process involved. It really gave me a lot of insight that I will carry with me whenever I go take a photo
L.C., Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Mariana Mendoza, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Jennifer Fish, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021
This is my third workshop with La Luz and I find that with every experience my knowledge with regards to my own practice grows deeper and deeper. It’s a beautiful day way for me to keep learning, to keep reminding myself of how little I know and how much there is to learn.
Sunhil S., Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Jacqueline Asplundh, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Roxanne Munson, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Jane Messinger, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021
Rania's workshop allowed me to completely re-imagine the meaning of portrait work. Through rich discussion and in-depth review, she modeled the creation of intimate images as both a way to honor individuals and develop meaningful series that capture critical social, historic, and environmental topics. From this experience, I will see my own process and outcome in a different form for the duration of my documentation!
Jennifer Fish, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Maria Navarro, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long The Long Term Project, 2021

Angela Douglas Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Sunhil Sippy, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021

Roshi Khatri, Portrait, Intimacy & The Long Term Project, 2021
I enjoyed the open discussion with other women ...felt I could explore (and express) more of my feelings as a woman and where I want to take my work. It was a very safe, supportive environment with a group of very talented women and Elinor was so giving, so supportive and so inspiring. I highly recommend any course with her.
Jacque R., The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Denise Laurinaitis, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Jo Ann Chaus, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Katie Golobic, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Nathalie Rubens, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Ana Leal The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Jaque Rupp, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021
This workshop was the most unique intimate gathering of artists I now call friends and for that, I am eternally grateful. Each individual involved in the workshop brought their true authentic self and made me feel accepted as an artist and person - a rare gift one often does not find in every workshop out there today. Without hesitation I would recommend a La Luz workshop to anyone.
Katie G., The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Beth Chucker, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Dima Assad, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Lori Barra, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021
My experience was a fantastic jump start to getting me back to my practice, working with just women freed us all to be open to our conversation within our work. Having Elinor open her world of image making and raw honestly was the cradle all of us could use
Beth C., The Experiences
of Womanhood, 2021.

Jane Messinger The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021

Hady Berry, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2021
Provided intimate and honest insights into the successful projects of a variety of photographers and topical areas. Moderator George Slade did an excellent job of digging deeper in the participants' work.
Brian K, Talking Photography:
Conversations with Artists,
Winter-Spring, 2021
La Luz Workshops brings incredible talented and varied photography mentors together with students from all over the world. The classes are always eye-opening and inspirational.
Lori B., Talking Photography:
Conversations with Artists,
Winter-Spring, 2021
I discovered La Luz Workshops through Instagram, and without a full knowledge of the organization, signed up for Talking Photography: Conversations with Artists. For 8 weeks I was inspired me not only for the image-makers it introduced me to, but the broader community of photographers who came together to celebrate the medium. I look forward to being a regular at these workshops!
Alison C., Talking Photography: Conversations with Artists, Winter-Spring, 2021
La Luz Workshops brings us face to face with highly regarded contemporary artists working in the craft of photography. Exposure to these artist over the course of a workshop helps us to think about and inform our own practices through their experience and knowledge
Former Student, Talking Photography:
Conversations with Artists,
Winter-Spring, 2021.
It felt like an honor for me to be able to attend this intimate lecture series with eight stellar photographers - I say “intimate” because that is how it felt listening to them from the comfort of my own house present their work from their own homes studios in a very organic and unhurried manner
Former Student, Talking Photography:
Conversations with Artists,
Winter-Spring, 2021

Analog Matias, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Aron Brumbelow, Circumferences of Self, 2020
Circumferences of Self was such a great experience for me as a photographer. And to have beensurrounded by fellow artists whom were so opening and accepting of each others ideas, back-grounds, identities was just so aweinspiring and motivational. This workshop felt like a huge breath of fresh air and has definitely helped me to continue to find my voice as an artist.
Former Student, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Edward Gia, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Lanny Li, Circumferences of Self, 2020

AJ Stetson, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Charlene Hardey, Circumferences of Self, 2020
La Luz cultivates classes with diverse teachers and students and creates an intimate setting where you can push boundaries,open your eyes, heart and mind to diverse work and be completely inspired week by week.
Former Student of
Circumferences of Self, 2020
Richard Renaldi was an outstanding photographer to learn from. I enjoyed hearing about his work and getting feedback on my work was an invaluable experience. The la luz staff was so friendly and always there to help with any issues that came up during the workshop. I was nervous about taking an online workshop but la luz staff and Richard Renaldi created a safe environment allowing us to share our work and grow as photographers. This workshop was an incredible experience, I look forward to taking more la luz workshops!
Charlene H., Circumferences of Self, 2020

Maria Navarro, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Sama Beydoun, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Lori Barra, Circumferences of Self, 2020

Charlene Hardey, Circumferences of Self, 2020
Swanee's class offered fabulous insights and an amazing amount of
information about the editing and marketing of photography, both fine
art and editorial
I would highly recommend
!Julia Arstorp,
Your Work and Its Audience:
Making the Match, 2020
If you are looking for a treasure trove of information on editing, photo books, sequencing, and social media, then take this workshop! A cautionary note be prepared for a BIG download of information
Bob Newman,
Your Work and Its Audience:
Making the Match,
Richard Renaldi was an outstanding photographer to learn from. I enjoyed hearing about his work and getting feedback on my work was an invaluable experience. The la luz staff wasso friendly and always there to help with any issues that came up during the workshop.I was nervous about taking an online workshop but la luz staff and Richard Renaldi createda safe environment allowing us to share our work and grow as photographers. This work-shop was an incredible experience, I look forward to taking more la luz workshops!
Charlene H., Circumferences of Self, 2020

Mariana Musi, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Lori Barra, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Jessica Voas, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020
This workshop lasted 7 weeks but the experience lasts forever. We are now connected for life and will try to keep doing so. I can’t wait to hug my women colleagues
”Former Student, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Eva Lepiz, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020
Anything I've ever said to you (or said in this survey) is fair game for marketing. Selma and Daniela a force of nature in creating real, life-changing space for artists, but additionally are the most kind-hearted people you'll ever meet. I am so grateful for my experience taking a workshop through them, I will forever be a better person and photographer because of it.
Former Student, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Angela Douglas, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Angela Bohm, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Mariana Mendoza, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020
La Luz workshops are well conceived, executed and allow an open space for the learning, sharing and experiencing. I have a lot to reflect on and go backthrough my notes to keep benefiting from this workshop. Elinor was such a generous and inspiring instructor
Irene S,The Experiences ofWomanhood, 2020

Anitra Lavanhar, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

María Navarro, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Irene Searles, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020
Sign up now! The workshops that La Luz produces are intimate, inspiring, bursting with creativity. The best teachers, excellent format and everything you need tokeep you alive, sane and creative during these crazy times
Lori B, The Experiences of Womanhood, 2020

Lori Barra, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020

Juanjo Herrera, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020

Pat Quealy, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020

Jim Stogdill, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020

Marie Arago, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020

Joseph Barreto, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020
Truly an extraordinary experience. Intimate class setting with brilliant teachers who explored your workand process side-by-side in a way that I didn't think was possible on Zoom. Pushed my limits and took me out of my comfortzone to explore new ways of thinking and seeing. Incredible 6 weeks
Former Student,Self-Portraits from Isolation,2020

James Barkley, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020

Alejandra Edwards, Self-Portraits from Isolation, 2020
It would take many years of working on your own to gain the knowledge that is brought to your fingertips in five full days from this phenomenal workshop.
Former Student, Your Work and Its Audience:
Making the Match,
NYC, 2019
An incredible week packed with very useful information, great presentations by Swanee and excellent insight into different markets by the guest speakers
Andrea B, Your Work and Its Audience:
Making the Match, NYC, 2019
There are an abundance of photography workshops that focus on the mechanics and technicalities of taking photos or developing one's style. But this workshop covered what I have never found elsewhere: how theindustry works and how to connect your work with people that want to pay you.This is essential knowledge for those of us who want to be professional photographers.The knowledge I gained was invaluable.
A. Terrell, Your Work and Its Audience: Making the Match, NYC, 2019
I could not have imagined going in, not only how much I would learn,but also what great relationships and connections I would start to build
Diana C, Your Work and Its Audience: Making the Match, NYC, 2019