Mary Virginia Swanson’s 2022 Educational Series for La Luz Workshops
DATES: Saturdays January 8 - April 2, 2022 (online)
There has never been a more important time for all photographers to effectively target appreciative audiences for their work and grow its value as museum quality collectible objects.
Mary Virginia Swanson
Respected author and educator Mary Virginia Swanson is partnering with La Luz Workshops to create a series of comprehensive educational opportunities designed to guide photographic artists through today’s complex pathways to share their work with the public.
This innovative state-of-the-industry educational series presents three successive learning opportunities for photographers to gain a working knowledge of topics of critical importance and gain skills to succeed in our post-pandemic world.
The three components are: Six Core Lectures + the option to enroll in six corresponding Applied Study Seminars, and upon completion, the opportunity to work with Ms. Swanson and Special Guests in Small Group Project Reviews.
with Mary Virginia Swanson
6 online sessions
Saturdays Jan 8, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 26, Mar 12, Mar 26 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (US Eastern Time)
Topics covered: Who Buys Photographs?, Marketing Your Work in a Post-Pandemic World, The Business Of Selling Your Photographs, Making the Most of Your Exhibition Opportunities, Making the Most of Your Publication Opportunities, and Sustaining Your Long-Term Photography Project.
Lectures will be conducted in webinar format via Zoom including time reserved for Q&A. Lectures represent original material including leading-edge issues developed by Ms. Swanson for La Luz Workshops.
These sessions will be recorded and participants will have access to view them throughout the entirely of the program until April 30th.
Core Lectures can be taken independent of the Applied Study Seminars and Small Group Project Reviews. Participants of Core Lectures will also receive a lecture outline after each session.
Fee: 395 USD
with Mary Virginia Swanson & Special Guests
6 online sessions
Saturdays Jan 15, Jan 29, Feb 12, Mar 5, Mar 19, Apr 2 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (US Eastern Time)
Participants have the option to enroll in six corresponding Study Seminars to extend their learning from Ms. Swanson and her Special Guests as they guide you to apply knowledge learned in the Lecture Series to work for you in your creative practice.
Ms. Swanson will explain and demonstrate proven research techniques to enable photographers to connect with and reach their targeted audience and moderate conversations with Special Guests around current issues of importance to photographers today.
Applied Study Seminars will not be recorded, and the dialogue is unlikely to be reconstructed in other forums.
Must be registered for the Core Lectures to be eligible to participate in the Applied Study Seminars. Participants of the Applied Study Seminars will receive access to a course discussion forum, and are eligible to apply for the Small Group Project Reviews.
Fee: 595 USD
with Mary Virginia Swanson & Invited Industry Colleagues (TBD)
Dates and number of sessions to be determined according to demand. Applications open on February 1, 2022. Small Group Project Reviews begin at the end of April.
30 minute individualized one-on-one project review meetings with Ms. Swanson and Invited Industry Colleagues (TBD) who will join her as a Co-Reviewer. All participants may observe. Maximum 8 participants per session.
Those who have attended both the Core Lectures and Applied Study Seminars may apply to join a special Small Group Project Review sharing their work alongside other photographers in succession with Ms. Swanson, with an opportunity to benefit from her insights on their project(s) and observe her meetings with fellow participants.
These sessions represent intensive opportunities to receive advice from Ms. Swanson and Special Guests on such topics as editing your project, funding strategies, targeting venues and publishers, strategizing a social media presence, and related topics of relevance and significance to you.
Must be registered for the Core Lectures and Applied Study Seminars to apply for the Small Group Project Reviews. Participants of Small Group Project Reviews will receive a video recording of their 30 min. session for private replay.
Fee: 350 USD
TOPIC 1: Who Buys Photographs? Surveying the Photography Marketplace Today

Core Lecture 1
Date: Saturday, January 8
Participants will gain an understanding of:
The state of the fine art photography collectible market, sales to in-house corporate art collections, institution special collections and subject-specific archives, the role that art consultants, art fairs, Artsy and the growing network of third-party online only sales play in sales today, and new art fair models that allow artists to sell direct to collectors.

Applied Study Seminar 1
Date: Saturday, January 15
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
Researching public / private / institutional collections, art consultants and others who can drive buyers, sales through third-party vendors, new art fairs for artists to sell directly to the buying public, and connecting with those interested in the artist's topics.
Special Guests:
Art Consultant, Boston, MA.
As a professional placing original artwork for nearly 20 years for corporate art collections, hospitality, and academia, Kate Anderson will discuss the relationship a consultant has with their clients and vice versa. She will share how consultants facilitate the sales of original artwork to a variety of buyers including corporate art collections, hospitality, healthcare, and academic institutions. Additionally, Kate will look at timeless themes and new buying trends within various markets, while addressing the exhibition and presentation styles each may prefer, and how presentation is changing with today’s contemporary presentation capabilities.
Marshall Contemporary Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.
Douglas Marshall will guide us through the changes that fine art photography collecting has endured since the pandemic began and his insight into the role gallery venues, art fairs, and third-party online vendors such as Artsy have in fostering the sales of art today. Douglas will share his knowledge and perspective on gallery representation today, pricing / editioning, and what he as a gallerist looks for in new artists. In addition, Douglas will explore best business practices for artists and how they can utilize them in their studio to be best equipped for when a gallery decides to represent their inventory.
TOPIC 2: Tools of the Trade: Marketing and Presenting Your Work in a Post-Pandemic Virtual World

Core Lecture 2
Date: January 22
Participants will gain an understanding of:
How to clarify end-goals in advance of starting to build mailing lists or plot a promotional presence, identifying those most likely to respond positively to a body of work, the relevance and usefulness of print mailers, the role of websites, strategizing a presence on Instagram, the value of virtual meetings and gaining a working understanding of effective marketing approaches today.

Applied Study Seminar 2
Date: January 29
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
How to conduct subject-driven research to identify and target key experts, venues and publishers, strategize approaching new-to-you markets, assessing the relevance of online presence, harnessing the power of social media and the use of hashtags on Instagram as well as maximizing virtual portfolio review opportunities.
Special Guests:
Photo Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek, NYC
For over 20 years Jane Yeomans has been in the business of researching, licensing and commissioning photographs. She will demystify the best ways for photographers to introduce themselves to editors and other photo researchers, along with the appropriate methods and practices related to following-up and sharing new work / projects. Jane will discuss the importance of an online presence, the dos and don’ts of websites and Instagram, as well as how she uses each platform to research photographers. Jane will share how one can maximize virtual / in-person portfolio reviews with those who may potentially commission or license work, and shed some light on how today’s publications use various rights packages.
Editorial / Fine Art / Commercial Photographer, Dallas, TX
Allison V. Smith will share her experience and knowledge as a successful editorial, commercial and fine art photographer. With an extensive and diverse client list, Allison will discuss how she has managed to research opportunities and stay current on industry trends, while balancing rights, fees, and commissions within different market segments (ie. editorial, advertising, music packaging, private portraiture commissions). She will dissect the intricacies of establishing value and defining usage terms when granting rights to image reproduction, and how she has maintained making personal work and acquiring gallery representation.
TOPIC 3: The Business of Selling Your Photographs

Core Lecture 3
Date: February 5
Participants will gain an understanding of:
Establishing print prices and clarifying edition parameters, terms of sale and related documents, granting the rights to licensing images for editorial or commercial placements, and the diverse revenue opportunities for photographic artists in our image-rich world.

Applied Study Seminar 3
Date: February 12
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
Researching and identifying appropriate vendors and buyers of collectible fine prints, establishing value for photographic work, necessary sales paperwork, establishing value and defining usage terms when granting the rights to reproduce images.
Special Guests:
Arnika Dawkins Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Arnika Dawkins will discuss the differences and similarities of working with contemporary photographers through various stages of their careers, as well as with the posthumous prints of the Gordon Parks Foundation. As a board member of AIPAD, she will explain what it means to an artist to be represented by a dealer, and for collectors to acquire from an AIPAD member gallery. In addition, Arnika will look at the key factors a project needs in order to be presented to new collectors and what a “launch” strategy for introducing new work may look like.
Artist/Educator, St. Louis, MO
Jess T. Dugan will share their experiences working with museum professionals, gallery management, collectors, and others interested in them, their work or the subject of their projects. Jess will guide us through best practices when it comes to introducing new work to those individuals, institutions, community organizations, and library special collections that they have made relationships with or would like to create, as well as how to maintain those relationships in the future.
TOPIC 4: Making the Most of Your Exhibition Opportunities.

Core Lecture 4
Date: February 26
Participants will gain an understanding of:
Identifying potential venues for their work based on researching the venue, audience, and public programming priorities, elements that comprise a compelling exhibition proposal, considerations when creating a for-sale catalogue and other ways to extend the life of exhibitions.

Applied Study Seminar 4
Date: March 5
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
Research techniques to “read” exhibition venues to determine what programming options will be most desirable to them, understanding budget and contract terms, optimum timetables for all steps of the exhibition experience from preparing objects for installation through PR deadlines, developing public programming and maximizing social media platforms to raise awareness of an exhibition.
Special Guests:
Curator and Coordinator of Academic Programming, Newcomb Art Museum at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.
Laura Blereau will bring her knowledge and experience of the academic art museum and its relation to broader artistic communities. She will guide us through an overview of a typical exhibition from exhibition proposals, optimum timetables, to developing academic and public programming, and how artists can better prepare themselves in each of these steps to increase their chances of a successful exhibition and working relationship with an academic art museum and its curatorial staff.
Director, Arts and Humanities Programming, Exhibits USA, Mid-America Arts Alliance, Kansas City, MO.
Kathy Dowell will shed light into the production and programming intricacies of traveling exhibits and how working with an exhibition program differs from other gallery settings. She will discuss how traveling exhibition services like Exhibits USA prioritizes its offerings to “in-network” venues, the importance of educational components to venues and their audiences, as well as the responsibilities of a service and those of the artist. She will share her perspective on what makes a show successful or enticing, as well as what constraints are currently in the industry today.
TOPIC 5: Making the Most of Your Publication Opportunities

Core Lecture 5
Date: March 12
Participants will gain an understanding of:
Understanding the options for being published vs self-publishing, digital printing capabilities, the wide reach of marketing via social media platforms, determining a target audience for a publication and the potential impact on an artist's career, potential benefits from sales of limited edition and special collection versions of a monograph, and extending the life of a title through events and exhibitions.

Applied Study Seminar 5
Date: March 19
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
Determining priority / goals in publishing and other factors at play in the decision to be published or self-publish, assessing potential for investing in limited editions / portfolio placements into special collections, surveying likely publishers, understanding the broader team needed to make a book, and the complexities of distribution today.
Special Guests:
Literary Agent and Book Publishing Advisor / Director of Joan Brookbank Projects
Joan Brookbank will share with us the scope of her work as literary agent and book publishing advisor, from interacting with her clients, to placing a book with a publisher, how she decides which publishing house is right for a specific project / client, and what the roles of the agent and client are before and after having signed a deal with a publisher. She will also discuss projects that may be better suited to smaller, focused publishers versus larger houses, and how the deals can vary. Additionally, she will share her insights into what makes a strong book proposal.
A founder of Radius Books and coauthor with Mary Virginia Swanson of “Publish Your Photography Book”. International Head of Photography at Christie’s.
Darius Himes will discuss being published in comparison to self-publishing and the possibilities and constraints each present. He will breakdown the broader team of individuals that are often helpful or necessary in the bookmaking process, along with how small press publications can add value to your creative practice. In addition, Darius will discuss industry challenges and how to asses the value of offering limited or deluxe editions of your title.
Photographer / Self Publisher / Co-Editor, Monterrey, Mexico
Alejandro Cartagena will share his extensive experience with both being published and self-publishing his photobooks. He will explore various methods of funding, editing vs hiring an editor, the challenges associated with distribution and shipping of self-published monographs, and the impact self-publishing has on the print market.
TOPIC 6: Sustaining Your Long-Term Photography Project: Fundraising, Support and Creative Focus

Core Lecture 6
Date: March 26
Participants will gain an understanding of:
The steps to completing a personal project, from gaining knowledge about the subject matter to identifying collaborators and sponsors, organizational systems for research and content, how to consider the audience when thinking about a visual presentation, final formats from exhibitions to publications and limited-edition portfolios for corporate and other institutional collections.

Applied Study Seminar 6
Date: April 2
Students will gain in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
The value of connecting and understanding the subject matter, gaining knowledge by studying from experts, researching funding partners and collaborators, building lists of targeted venues, researching institutional collections and appropriate editorial and licensing placements.
Special Guests:
Photographer/ Professor, Stockton University, Galloway Township, NJ.
Wendel White artistic practice engages material culture that transcends time, bringing the past and present into a shared space. He will guide through his process of working on personal projects, from its conception, research of the topic, determining collaborators, sponsors, and funding, to identifying an audience and final formats for presentation (i.e. exhibitions, publications). Wendel will also discuss how to manage various projects at once, his organizational systems for research and content, and how to allow previous work to lead one into new endeavors.
Visual Artist / Educator, Rockport, ME
Cig Harvey will explore the challenges and joys of making work that is truly personal and intimate. She will discuss the path taken that leads to a completed body of work, and how her life and those who play a role in her photography affect the final public exhibition and the printed pages of an artist’s book. Cig will discuss her journey as a photographer, lessons learned, and how one can find their own style.
Documentary Photographer and Filmmaker, Canadian, based in Washington DC
Louie Palu will share his extensive international experience working on in-depth projects that employ a variety of presentation styles from trade publications to news print editions, and from the museum wall to public art installations. He will share his knowledge of applying for grants and fellowships to support one’s work, as well as how to create and maintain relationships with curators, galleries, top photo editors, and creative directors while working internationally.
* This schedule is subject to change at any time. If a guest presenter must cancel unexpectedly, we will work hard to confirm another industry expert with a similar level of expertise to join us. Mary Virginia Swanson has the right to update, alter, and/or include topics that may benefit participants based on recent research or industry changes.
Please read our Terms, Conditions and Cancellation Policies here.
While we don’t have a specific deadline to sign up for this educational series, we strongly recommend signing up no later than January 2nd, to allow time to receive additional information from us to help aid you in preparation for these sessions.
If you would like to learn more about this Educational Series and how the individual components are structured, we will be hosting information sessions with Mary Virginia Swanson on the following dates and times:
November 20: 11 am (US Eastern Time) / 3 pm (London UTC +0) / 8.30 pm (Mumbai UTC +5:30)
December 11: 9 pm (US Eastern Time) / December 12: 11 am (Tokyo UTC +9 ) / 1 pm (Sydney UTC +11)
If you have any questions about this Educational Series and/or would like to attend an information session, please reach out to:
Mary Virginia Swanson’s 2022 Educational Series for La Luz Workshops
DATE: Saturdays from January 8 to April 2, 2022 (Online)
6 online sessions
Saturdays Jan 8, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 26, Mar 12, Mar 26 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (EDT)
Core Lectures can be taken independent of the Applied Study Seminars and Small Group Project Reviews. Participants of Core Lectures will also receive a lecture outline after each session.
12 online sessions
Saturdays from January 8 to April 2 (no class on February 19)
Core Lectures:
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (EDT),
Applied Study Seminars: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (EDT)
Must be registered for the Core Lectures to be eligible to participate in the Applied Study Seminars. Participants of the Applied Study Seminars will receive access to a course discussion forum, and are eligible to apply for the Small Group Project Reviews..
To process your payment you need to create an account with La Luz. This will also give you access to Lectures Series recordings.

Applications open on February 1st, 2022. Group Project Reviews begin at the end of April, 2022. Dates to be determined according to demand